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Compare the Pay As You Go market
The pay as you go market is very dynamic, Giffgaff try to be ahead of the game. These are the per minute calls, texts and mobile Internet tariffs from the largest competitors. Giffgaff are cheapest and the only company to offer payback. For £5 per month you can have 60 mins /250 text/free minutes exchanged for incoming calls. So if you have a busy phone this could work very well.
Networks                            Calls                                                  Text                                           Mobile Internet
giffgaff            Free to giffgaff 10p to other     Free to giffgaff 6p to other networks                20p a day*

O2                                        25p**                                                 12p                                                £1 per day
(Fair use of 50MB/day)

Vodafone                            25p                                                       10p                                               £1 per day
(Fair use of 25MB/day)

Orange                                 25p                                                      10p                                                £2 per day
(Fair use of 25MB/day)

T-mobile                             20p                                                     12p                                                  £1 a day
(Fair use of 500MB/month)

*You will be charged at 20p/MB until you use 1MB/day. If you use between 1MB and 20MB you will only be charged 20p/day. If you go over 20MB you’ll be charged extra at 20p/MB.
**O2 charge 5p after the first 3 minutes per day if you are calling another O2 number or a landline.
Prices quoted were checked on individual network website on 01 September 2012. They are for standard rate charges for calls, texts and data from a mobile to other UK mobile networks. Prices quoted are based on specific tariffs and do not include online or exclusive promotions. For more information on other charges for calls to special, fixed line or international numbers please refer to individual networks for their complete price lists.

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Technology has made its mark in everyone's life. As everything has an online presence now, things have become a lot easier for all of us. However, not everything can provide you numerous advantages. Even technology requires you to consider some essential things to  use it safely. One such consideration is about protecting your online privacy.
Although you cannot identify them, a web camera spy or a hacker can be anyone. Therefore, you should know how to deal with your web camera security properly. In order to become a smart internet user, you should keep in mind the following suggestions:
Do Not Trust Social Networking Websites Blindly
Yes, social networking websites are a lot of fun. But do not trust them, ever! No matter how credible such websites seem and claim to be, it is a reality that your information cannot be secured there. Always remember that posting any important information on Facebook, Twitter, etc can be harmful for you. Anyone can mishandle it and you can never have a fair idea about that person. Sharing personal pictures can be extremely risky as well.

Protect Your Webcam
Webcam has definitely brought convenience in terms of having a video chat with your long-distance friends. But did you know a hacker can spy on your video chatting and personal pictures without letting you know? Yes, it is unbelievable but true. The only solution to protect yourself from a web camera spy is to take as much care in using your webcam as possible.
Follow the simplest tips mentioned below to ensure that you have protected your webcam:
  • If you are using a personal computer, then do not plug in your webcam unless you really need to use it. This way, you will be switching the webcam on only if you want to video chat with your friends.
  • If you find unplugging your webcam too much of a task, then simply cover the lens of your webcam with either a black tape, Post-it note or a sticker for your web camera security. Remove it when you intend you use your webcam.
Avoid Phishing Attacks
You will never know when your computer experiences a phishing attack. This can affect any important information kept on your computer. Therefore, a good suggestion is to keep all your financial information somewhere else instead of storing it in your computer.
Do Not Forget To Create a Backup
Smart internet users always create a backup of files. If some files saved on your computer are that important to you, then simply create their backup.

the end

At the beginning I wasn't exactly listening. The lecturer was
rather a mean-looking little chap, but a good speaker. White face,
very mobile mouth, and the rather grating voice that they get from
constant speaking. Of course he was pitching into Hitler and the
Nazis. I wasn't particularly keen to hear what he was saying--get
the same stuff in the News Chronicle every morning--but his voice
came across to me as a kind of burr-burr-burr, with now and again a
phrase that struck out and caught my attention.

'Bestial atrocities. . . . Hideous outbursts of sadism. . . .
Rubber truncheons. . . . Concentration camps. . . . Iniquitous
persecution of the Jews. . . . Back to the Dark Ages. . . .
European civilization. . . . Act before it is too late. . . .
Indignation of all decent peoples. . . . Alliance of the
democratic nations. . . . Firm stand. . . . Defence of
democracy. . . . Democracy. . . . Fascism. . . . Democracy. . . .
Fascism. . . . Democracy. . . .'

You know the line of talk. These chaps can churn it out by the
hour. Just like a gramophone. Turn the handle, press the button,
and it starts. Democracy, Fascism, Democracy. But somehow it
interested me to watch him. A rather mean little man, with a white
face and a bald head, standing on a platform, shooting out slogans.
What's he doing? Quite deliberately, and quite openly, he's
stirring up hatred. Doing his damnedest to make you hate certain
foreigners called Fascists. It's a queer thing, I thought, to be
known as 'Mr So-and-so, the well-known anti-Fascist'. A queer
trade, anti-Fascism. This fellow, I suppose, makes his living by
writing books against Hitler. But what did he do before Hitler
came along? And what'll he do if Hitler ever disappears? Same
question applies to doctors, detectives, rat-catchers, and so
forth, of course. But the grating voice went on and on, and
another thought struck me. He MEANS it. Not faking at all--feels
every word he's saying. He's trying to work up hatred in the
audience, but that's nothing to the hatred he feels himself. Every
slogan's gospel truth to him. If you cut him open all you'd find
inside would be Democracy-Fascism-Democracy. Interesting to know a
chap like that in private life. But does he have a private life?
Or does he only go round from platform to platform, working up
hatred? Perhaps even his dreams are slogans.

George Orwell Coming up for Air