twitter apps

twitter apps

Directories and User Search Tools

Just Tweet It
A twitter directory sorted by interest
This tool will automatically find people who are compatible with your interests. However, if you follow too many people, then Twubble may recommend some people that you already follow
Twittie Me
Search for similar users and advertise your twitter page
Search for words in usernames, locations or descriptions
We Follow
Follow people through popular tags
Find people by area of expertise

Find out what is the latest trends on Twitter

Sites that tell the latest stories and trends on Twitter

A search tool that tracks trends as well as certain events.
Trendistic (previously Flaptor Search)
A search tool that can be installed on your browser.
Tweet Scan
Search keywords on Twitter
Search Twitter users and topics
find out the latest Stories on Twitter
Find out what twitter loves, hates, believes, etc.
Find out the most talked about stories on Twitter
Keep track of the good and bad on the twitterverse
Find out the most favored (saved to favorites) tweets

Track Twitter Users

Find out who the top Twitter users are

Find out who the top twitter users are
Find out the top twitter users on one place.
a list of the top 150 Twitterers

Track certain keywords on Twitter

See keyword behavior on Twitter with these sites

Tweet Beep
Find out who is talking about you or your website through certain keywords
Site volume
Enter five keywords and see their activity on Twitter
Tweet Volume
A more personalize version of Site Volume
Monitor Twitter conversations on three keywords. Good for catching the latest news
Track a certain keyword on Twitter
See twitter memes or tags for Twitter
Find out what people are talking about through certain keywords called channels.
Twitter Meter
Find the trends of certain keywords
Flaptor Trends
Compare the trends of three keywords on Twitter
Twitter Spectrum
Find out the dominant keywords via a tagcloud generated.
Search for tweets of a certain person using certain keywords
real-time Twitter search engine

Twitter Links

Work with lnks on Twitter

Twitter Buzz
See the most popular links on Twitter
Link Bunch
Share more than one link on Twitter
Sorts out links posted on Twitter into news format
Find out the latest links posted on Twitter
Find out the latest URLs posted on Twitter
Twitter Split
Change the way you post links by adding your domain on the beginning of the link

Track Tweets Across the Globe

What do you get when you mix maps with Twitter?

Watch as people from different parts of the world tweet.
Twitter Vision
Watch Twitter in real time and see the location of Twitter users
My Tweet Map
A high tech map that tracks the location of a person
Track a person across the map
Twitter Map
Same with GeoTwitterous
Twitter Local
Find out Tweets about a certain locale
Another way where you can track the location of tweets
Geo Twitter
Another twitter location tracking site
Shows current posts as they are posted on maps
Twitter Atlas
Find the conversations at certain locations
Twitter Faces
Map + Faces

Enhance your Tweeting

Some tools to add elements to your tweeting

Twitter Keys
Brighten your tweets with little pictures
Translate shorthand text to English and the other way around for easy tweeting
Phone + Tweet, talk to your twitter friends through this online phone

Create Reviews via Twitter

Who thought 140 character won’t make reviews?

Micro Reviews
Post reviews on Twitter
Submit reviews. A partner of Microreview
Louder Tweets
Have your reviews of certain products posted

Tweet Reading Tools

change how you read tweets

Twitter Digest
Read tweets digest-style
Read the conversations between two people on twitter.
Choose the tweets you wants to read. Mute people or mute topics that you don’t want to read

All About Followers and Following

Track your followers as well as your own following behavior

Tweet Wheel
Find out which of your friends know each other
Twitter Karma
Find out who is following and unfollowing you. Have a mass follow and unfollow tool.
Twitter Snooze
If you have noisy twitter friends, you can snooze them for a certain time so you won’t receive their tweets.
My Tweeple
Evaluate your followers through the number of dings (recommendations) they have from other Twitter users
Less Friends
Find out who unfollowed you using this tool
Receive the names of the people who unfollowed you via email.
Does Follow
Tells you if a certain follower is following a person or not
Receive a direct message when someone unfollows you
Find out the latest 100 posts of your followers
Follow a list of people all at once
Twitter Who
Invite lots of people in one go
See your last 30 tweets along with your friends. Use on Mac.
What’s Up?
Find out what people are up to

Use Twitter on Your Site or Blog

Tools that can integrate Twitter to your site or blog

Add Tweets
Make Twitter Update Widgets for site or blog using javascript
Post your blog to Twitter through your RSS feed
Feed Tweeter
integrate Twitter with Plurk, your blog and delicious
Twitter Counter
Display your follower count on your site or blog.
Twit This
Add this option so people can easily tweet information from your site or blog
Twitter Tools
A wordpress plugin that lets you integrate Twitter with your blog. You can send your updates to your blog as well as create tweets directly from your blog
Twitter for WordPress
displays latest tweets on your blog
Ships your tweets to your blog
Twitter Sharts
‘Shart’ your twitter status anywhere within your wordpress blog posts or pages
Twitt Twoo
plugin that will allow you to update your Twitter status right from your blog’s sidebar.
Twitter Updater
automatically sends a Twitter status update to your Twitter account when you create, publish, or edit your WordPress post
Twitter WordPress Sidebar Widget
a wordpress widget where you can send your tweets to your blog
a plugin that utilizes the Twitter API to automatically push a post to your Twitter account when it is first published.
Comment Twitter SMS Notification
plug in to be notified by SMS when a user post a new comment on your blog.
Stammy’s RSS To Twitter
Not too many people have access to a Ruby-enabled server so the author decided to make a simple PHP script to get the job done.
automatically update your Twitter Account when you publish a new blog post

Update Twitter with other Social Networking Sites

Post to different social networking sites at once
Update twitter along with other sites like Multiply, Pownce, Plurk, tumblr and others.
Same as but with added services
A client which you can download. It does pretty much the same as

Twitter and your Favorite Websites

Integrate Twitter with other websites

Update Twitter with your current ebay listings
Twitter meets Amazon
iGoogle gadget that have, twitter videos, twitter news, twitter tips, twitter tools and more.
Be Twittered
iGoogle app that automatically updates every 3 minutes
Twitter Facebook App
Integrate Twitter with Facebook
Friendfeed Twitter client
Update Twitter through Friendfeed
Twitter + Jaiku
Buy Later
Receive tweets when an item comes back in stock at Amazon
Twitter Yedda
integrate Twitter with your Yedda account
gadget for Windows Live. Displays your tweets
Twitter Planet
Windows Live gadget that features the public timeline on the planet earth
Import links on your tweets to delicious
Twitter Viddler
Integrate Twitter with your Viddler account
Drupal on Twitter
This module provides twitter notification for new posts. Each user can use their own twitter account to post updates too, as well as have a custom format string.
Googlereader Twitter Script
Add a Twitter button to your Google Reader
Twitter King Widget
Widget for Netvibes
Your Minis
Twitter widget for yourminis website

Twitter for Groups

Effective when you want to only talk to a particular group

Group Tweet
Tweet with only a particular group of people
Live Twitting
Host Conferences or conduct interviews on twitter and record it in an organized fashion
Crowd Status
Find out the status of a certain group of people on Twitter
Twitter Groups
Tag your followers into different groups
Twitter as an organizer

Remind yourself of certain activities you have to do

Set an alarm for things you have to do
Retweet Me
A reminder tool that sends a DM on your scheduled activities.
Remember the Milk
Manage tasks on Twitter as well as set notifications for yourself
Integrate your Google Calendar with Twitter
My Chores
Track your chores
Make plans and export them to Twitter
Server Mojo
Monitor your server with Twitter

Schedule your Tweets

Auto-tools to schedule tweets. Use wisely. Do not use for spam

Tweet Later
Schedule tweets, auto-follow and auto-welcome people
Schedule your tweets. Very useful when you are advertising.
Tweet Ahead
Schedule your tweets on Mac
Twit Response
Imagine Twitter + Autoresponder. Send tweets automatically.

Think Yahoo Answers meet Twitter

Lazy Tweet
Find answers to your questions by posting “@lazyweb” or “@lazytweet”
Easily get answers to your questions by posting “@toask” and “@toanswer [question ID]“
At Answer Me
Another question tool
Twitter Answers
Another question site with a nice layout so you can easily get answers to your questions.

Polls on Twitter

Very useful for research

Straw Poll
Create and answer polls on Twitter
Twitter Polldaddy
Create a poll on polldaddy and tweet it
Poll Tweets
Participate in the latest Twitter poll
Join some twitter polls and receive the results in 24 hours

Track Yourself Through Twitter Statistics

Check out your status on Twitter

Tweet Burner
Track the links that you post on Twitter
Twitter Grader
find out your twitter grade. Computed based on how complete your profile is as well as the number and influence of your followers.
Tweet Stats
Graph your tweet activity
Measure your Twitter influence through tweets, reach of followers as well as second-order followers
Tweeple Twak
Track your friend gains and declines
Twit Graph
Graph your tweeting activity
Tweet 140
Track your direct message and tweet frequency
Twitter Ratio
Find out your friend to follower ratio.

Ways you can use your twitter account to earn money

Place advertisements on your profile
Advertise with 5 tweets and get paid

Handle Multiple Twitter Accounts

These tools will help you handle those accounts at a certain time. Useful when you have a company twitter profile.

Easy Tweets
Multiple account handling, scheduled tweets, overcoming errors, shorten URLs, add RSS
The Mattinator
Multiple accounts on Twitter
Graphic Twitter Resources

Resources where you can get backgrounds for your profile as well as icons to put in your blog

Twitter Backs
Free Twitter Backgrounds. Includes @problogger’s background.
Twitter Patterns
50 design patterns you can easily use for your twitter background
Tweet Backs
Some twitter backgrounds you could use
Siah Design
free Twitter buttons you could use as well as animated ones.
Follow me on twitter buttons
Create your own twitter

Integrate Twitter with Files, Images and Videos

Upload anything to Twitter

Let you share photos on Twitter
Update your Twitter when you post a Flickr picture
Share your Flickr photos on Twitter
Allows you to share pictures on Twitter via your mobile phone
Visual Twitter
Answers “what are you doing?” with pictures.
Twitter Poster
A huge conglomeration of Twitter user images.
Think Twitter updates + video
Make tweets with pictures, videos and files
Share pictures, music, video and other files on Twitter.
Share photos and videos on Twitter
Tweet Cube
Upload files to Twitter
Post pictures on Twitter

Twitter and Email

Receive and send tweets via email

Update twitter via email
Twitter Reply
Receive your replies on your email
Update Twitter with your Microsoft Outlook
Vtwitter allows Zimbra users to send messages (or sometimes called tweets) to their Twitter account directly from their Zimbra email.
mail2twitter is a free service that allows you to post tweets through e-mail
Twitter and Music

Integrate twitter with your love for music

Tweet what you’re listening, watching or reading regardless what player you are using.
Listen to music and tweet it to Twitter
Lists the audio tracks on Twitter

Twitter Downtime Saviors

Tools that will save you when Twitter has its downtimes

Twit a Bit
The place to be when Twitter is down. Anyone can continue tweeting in this site.
Backup your twitter account
Twitter Safe
Another place where you can backup your account.
Another website where you can tweet

Twitter Spam Watchers

Fight twitter spam with these tools

Twitter Blacklist
Find out who’s blacklisted on Twitter
Twerp Scan
Find out who’s following too many people at a small span of time.
Report those spammers here

Twitter Messenger Applications

Integrate Twitter with your Messenger

Integrate twitter with your MSN or ICQ Messenger
Yahoo Messenger Twitter Sync Plugin
Integrate twitter with your Yahoo Messenger
Update your Twitter on Yahoo Messenger
Twitter tool for Windows Live Messenger
Update twitter via messenger as well as advertise the tweets of your friends.
Integrate Twitter with iChat

Twitter Softwares and Widgets

Clients you can download to your desktop

A downloadable application which have multiple account support, auto refreshing mechanism, audio notification of new tweets and integration with AppleScript. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 or later
Mad Twitter
Twitterific for Windows
An Air Application that differentiates itself from other downloadable twitter applications through its flawless drag-and-drop file uploading system.
a downloadable application with all the features of twitter except that it auto refreshes.
popular software that can handle multiple accounts, URL shortening, crossposting to Pownce and Jaiku, Post images on Twitpic, and search tweets using twitter search and tweetscan.
Adobe AIR application that lets you view your replies and public tweets as well as group tweets at the same time
another twitter client built on AIR
another twitter client built on AIR
A standalone Twitter client
Twitter client for Windows
Twitter for Windows that supports proxies, have a read-unread system and auto-refresh mechanism.
Twitter CLI
Tweet via a command line
Another tool to update Twitter on a command line
Let you send tweets on your PC with URL shortening and sound notifications for tweets
A Japanese software which showcases your followers and accounts in other social networks
Twitter tool for Windows Vista
Twitter widget for Mac users
Vim Twitter Client
A simple client by Vim
Update Twitter without opening a window
Another simple Twitter client
Deskbar Twitter
Update Twitter on Ubuntu
Update Twitter on Linux
update Twitter on Emacs
open source desktop client for Mac, Windows and Linux
client that is Java-based and supports proxies. Inspired by Twitteroo
GTwitter is a Linux client for reading and posting to web service.
Simple Twitter client for Mac
TwitterPod can store logs to database and search Twitter logs quickly like
TwitterPost allows you to easily post to and read from your Twitter feed – plus a whole lot more
SIMBL extension to add functionality to Twitterrific

Twitter with your Browser

And save yourself some energy

Twit Kit
Integrate Twitter with your Firefox browser. This plugin can work on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can also customize the look to fit your tastes.
Find out the statuses of your friends on Twitter right on your Firefox browser
Share webpages with your friends on Twitter. Can be integrated with your Firefox Browser
Receive and send tweets at the side of your Firefox browser
Firefox Search Plugin
Find out how you can post to Twitter right from your Firefox search bar
Post to Twitter via the address bar
A twitter sidebar for Firefox and Flock
Twitter widget for Opera
Power Twitter
Twitter plugin for Firefox that have photo and video sharing capabilities.
Firefox add-on that add different social networks to your browser
Firefox plugin that let you post more than 140 characters.
Firefox addon that lets you Tweet any page you see.
Post to twitter like Bookmarking
Displays your friend’s public timeline on your toolbar
This is a toolbar you can download so you can tweet via your browser

Twitter on your Mobile Phone

Twitter anywhere you like

Update Twitter using Voice
Record Voice Messages on Twitter
Twitter for iphone
Self explanatory
Another Twitter client for iphones
Pocket Tweets
another twitter client for your iphone
mobile phone software with retweeting capabilities
windows mobile twitter client written in c# leveraging the .net compact framework.
send updates from your 30boxes calendar to your phone via Twitter.
Integrate your iphone with Twitter
Integrate Twitter with your blackberry
Another tool to integrate your blackberry with Twitter
Email Twitter
Get your Tweets on any email-enabled mobile phone
Twitter Site for your iphone
A tool that let you share videos via your phone.
Twitter client for your phone that has Flickr and other social network integration
Application for Palm OS
Get content without sending SMS
Moby Picture
Post to your blog or sites like Twitter on your mobile phone
allows you to share pictures on Twitter via your mobile phone
Send twitter updates on your mobile phone along with GPS location
Post to Twitter + other sites using your mobile phone
Abiro Jitter
Abiro Jitter (Java Twitter) is an easy-to-use and fully-featured Twitter client for mobile phones
Java application which you can install on your phone
twitter client for android mobile phones
Twitteresce allows you to access your twitter feed using your mobile phone.
Twitter client for users of Windows Mobile Pocket PCs
Tiny Twitter
Client for any Java enabled device (that’s a bunch & includes the CrackBerry) and any Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Smartphone
Twitter SpellCheck
Check your spelling while twittering on your mobile phone

Specialized Twitter Sites

From funny, useless to weird Twitter sites

Secret Tweet
Imagine PostSecret + Twitter. Tweet those secrets
Curse Bird
Find out who’s swearing on Twitter
Tweet What You Eat
Tweet what you’re eating at the moment
same with “Tweet what you eat”
Xbox 360 Gamer Tag
Automatically update twitter with what you are playing at a certain moment
Another site where you can update Xbox live activities on Twitter
Track your packages via Twitter with this tool
share what you’re reading on Twitter
Commuter Feed
Share tweets on traffic and transit delays
Tracks who you owe coffee or beer to
signals you through chimes where you have to let go of your thoughts.
Qwitter Tobacco
A twitter tool that helps you stop smoking
Post like a Pirate
Talk like a pirate on twitter
Roll the dice
Give you the power to roll a dice on twitter. Useful when you’re betting or playing games with your friends.
Twitter Me This
A contest where you can win $5 if you answer their question
Tweet gift
Send gifts to your friends.
turns your tweets into actions
Track your expenses with twitter
The place where you can tweet job postings
Tracks your gas usage on Twitter
Tell twitter how you feel
Deal Tagger
Shop and tell your Twitter friends
LOL feeds
Have your tweets on lolcat images
Tweet your secrets
Sad Statements
Twitter + Flickr with an emotional twist. Post those sad statements here
Twitter Nonsense
Daily Twitter Comic Strip
Xbox to Twitter app
only updating when the title being played changes, not showing popups and even a preview of what your twitter updates will look like once they are combined with your template.
a Twitter Client for Second Life
Reads books to Twitter
Twitters the first line of books

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